Friday, September 24, 2010

Foto Friday's and A/B/C

Three years ago I completed my first and ONLY 1/2 Marathon at the Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon. I will be completing in the 5K this year, but I plan on tacking the 1/2 again next Fall!

And speaking of my 5K, I do have some goals for this race. And here it is:

A GOAL) Sub 40:00 minutes (a pipe dream, but hey, a goal none the less!)

B Goal) A new PR and a Sub 43:56 (which I have done in training, so I feel good about it)

C Goal) Sub 45:oo minutes.

Anything else will be VERY disappointing. See you all there on Sunday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Marlene said...

Good luck on Sunday! Hopefully I'll get to see you before you scurry off for your 5K! B is in the bag and I see a great shot at A. You've been training hard!

Lisa said...

You can do it!!! I know you can!
Best of luck. See you Sunday!