- I want to send a huge "Congratulations" out to my sister Meghan and her husband Dan and our niece Casey! Our new niece Hailey was born yesterday at 3:29 weighing in at 8 pounds 6 ounces! Mommy and Baby are doing fine! Love you Megs!
- I was supposed to run 4.5k last night, but at about 2.5k, my right hip really started to bother me. So a took a walk break and then threw in the towel at 4k. Better to use caution at this point then to risk injury before race day. I wish I could explain what the pain is, but I can't. It's a pain in my ass is what it is!
- Speaking of race day, trying to come up with the logistics has been a bit of a challenge, to say the least! It is a one way race, and taking the kids down is going to be a challenge as well. Plus, we want to snag a good finish line spot to get good picture of the clinic members finishing!
Tall Mom is alive
5 years ago
YAY! Congrats to another baby in the family, glad they're doing well! Hope the pain in the ass goes away before your race :)
The 5K is point-to-point as well? Agh, so difficult to plan! Hope you can figure things out.
Also hope the hip is okay!! GOOD LUCK BABY!
And congrats Auntie. :)
Bellefit® Inc produces a series of medical compression garments that help women through pregnancy and weight loss. A woman usually receives an abdominal binder from the hospital immediately after a Cesarean birth. The binder is typically worn during the time that a new mother is recuperating in the hospital. A well made binder can provide adjustable support and protect the cesarean incision during the first few days of recovery. However, once the immediate postpartum swelling begins to subside, a postpartum body support garment can provide constant and consistent 360 degree pressure to assist in keeping the incision stable.
When you leave the hospital after your Cesarean birth you are encouraged to avoid lifting anything over 10 pounds and limit activity to reduce unnecessary trauma to the incision site. Muscle tissue underneath the incision, which was separated to allow for the baby’s birth, will take several weeks to mend. While a binder is a good choice for you during your hospital stay, a Bellefit garment provides superior support and stabilization.
C-section recovery after C-section pain is facilitated by using post-pregnancy corset. A Bellefit garment protects the incision area, keeps the abdomen flat on either side of the incision to reduce the severity of scarring, and provides light compression to mitigate fluid accumulation. A Bellefit garment that specifically addresses the needs of a woman who has undergone a Cesarean birth offers support to the entire torso, abdominal wall, and assists in incision healing. Furthermore, a Bellefit garment stabilizes the pelvic floor and supports the spine, giving you greater body stability and confidence so you can care for your child as you transitions back to your daily life. Sizes from X-Small to X-Large. After c-section,
Bellefit is recommended by doctor. Bellefit provides support for pendulous abdomen after pregnancy. It helps straighten the spine after nine months carrying the baby. It provides compression and prevents enlargement of fatty cells. It helps the uterus go back to its place in less time. Easy access to the groin with convenient flap with hooks. Stays in place and offers overall support. Won’t roll down your back or ride up your buttocks. It helps you perform daily duties without feeling the aftermath effects of an overweight belly. Highly necessary on the second or third pregnancy. Great for lymphatic drainage; decreases the risks of fluid collection and helps reduce swelling. Perfect to use after surgery not only for C-Section, but also Hysterectomy, Cervical Cerclage, Diastasis-Recti, Previous Placenta, and Fibroma.
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