Today I will be going to Mississauga to get my race kit, which will be a lot of fun. I received an email this morning with my bib number:
Someday maybe the Marathon!
So now it's time for my goals!
C Goal - 50:00 minutes: this would put me behind the rolling clear, which would mean that I would be at the mercy of the rules of the road. Plus it is a full 7 minutes slower than my personal best. If I walked the race, I would probably still be faster than this by a few minutes!
B Goal - <45:00 minutes: my training to this point has me running just under a 45 minute walk adjusted pace. I think I can do this. If my hip doesn't act up.
A Goal - <43:00 This would be under my current Personal Best, but I did run it on a local course that was measured a few hundred metres short, so while I would love to get a PB, I am not holding my breath!
Speaking of my hip, it feels ok. I have been stretching like crazy, hoping it works itself out in the next couple of days. I wish I could figure out what it is without making an expensive visit to the chiropractor or MT.
Next up: The Hazel 5K!
Tall Mom is alive
5 years ago
Have a great race tomorrow! Can't wait to hear about it, and hope that hip cooperates :) Go GET IT! :)
"A" all the way! You can do it. Have a GREAT race! Sorry we can't be there, but I assure you I will be keeping my feet up and chowing down on pasta in your honour. :)
Can't wait to hear about it!!!
Good Luck!!! You are going to do great!
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