I have come to the conclusion that I might be an emotional eater.
A lot of stuff has happened in the last few days that has pretty much worn me down. All I want to do is crawl into bed, eat chips and play with Connor. I don't want to exercise, and I certainly don't feel like eating another salad! So, like I said, emotional eater here! I have so many people around me that say "oh when I am upset I can't eat a thing!" I wish. I can eat my weight in food twice and I can't say I would stop after that.
I have to do this for the right reasons. Right now that reason is for my son. As he gets older, I want to be able to play with him and run with him. And I want to be a role model for good health. I am not talking about making him think being overweight is the worst thing in the world. There is not ONE PERSON on either side of my family that hasn't or isn't struggling with their weight. So he already has that strike against him. So if Colin and I can teach him good health habits early, without seeming like food Nazis, that would be a good thing.
I am a worrier. This is what I do. I worry about money, about Connor and Colin, about my family, about my job. If I am not worrying about something, I worry that there is something I am forgetting to worry about! I am Nutty Cuckoo!
Now where did I put those Pringles..............
Tall Mom is alive
5 years ago
Uh Sweetie... We're out of Pringles.
I love you lots and am so proud of how well you are doing. Connor has the best mommy in the world!
Did Colin eat all the Pringles again? :)
Sarah, you already know that you and I are practically the same person so you know that I can totally relate to emotional eating. I am envious of people who can't eat when they are worried about something. I WISH!
You are doing this for the right reasons and I know you will succeed! Connor would be so proud if only he knew...
(( Big hugs! ))
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