Tuesday, January 18, 2011

So Far So Good

Apparently yesterday was the most DEPRESSING day of the entire year. Being the 1st Monday of the first full week of a new year. I wasn't particularly depressed myself, but I can see how some people would find it to be!

I have had success again at Weight Watchers. Two weeks in and I have already lost a total of 10 pounds! I am very pleased.

My Half Marathon training is about to begin, which is making me a little nervous. I have a goal and I hope to achieve it!

This past weekend was tough in our Running Room Family. A friend and colleague of ours passed away suddenly. It was a reminder to me that life really is a gift that you can't squander away or take advantage of. He lived everyday to the fullest and was an amazing person. RIP Shawn.......


Unknown said...

Very sorry to hear about your friend. Glad to hear you're doing well otherwise and that your training is about to begin. A little bit of good for the bad...

Jason Crouse said...

Another great blog entry. Keep it up. Excellent work.

Marci said...

Sorry hear about your friend.

Good luck with your half marathon training!

Anonymous said...

Благодарю за информацию действительно увлекательно, однако меня также интересуют и новости голографии. Надо же развиваться в области голографии