I decided early on that to maintain my base, I would continue to run two 5k runs ON TOP of the one clinic night and two run clubs I would be doing with my Women's Only Clinic. I made up my schedule, stuck it on the fridge and marked off each run as it came. Week One, check! Week Two....uh, check! Week Three....not so much.
Looking back at my runs from March/April and comparing them to my pace now, I am currently running about a minute and a half FASTER than I was ten weeks ago. So while I am not as sore, and certainly not as tired, I am running faster and harder. So I have decided that just because I can, doesn't mean I SHOULD. I have taken those two runs off my calendar for the remainder of the clinic and I will be only running with the clinic from now on. It works for me!
And since I will be teaching the next 5K CLINIC (!) I don't want to risk injury either.
Last night hubby received an email announcing that registration was open for the 2011 Mississauga Marathon and Half Marathon. I have been back and forth as to whether or not I was going to run a half in the next twelve months. I decided to go for it! So I registered for the Mississauga 1/2 Marathon for May 2011! I am so PUMPED. I will be taking the 10k clinic this fall and then falling right into the 1/2 Marathon clinic in January. I am very excited, I am very nervous and I am very happy.
Hope everyone else is having a great week!
Day in the life
5 years ago