So I am working with a Personal Trainer. His name is Chris and he rocks. We went to high school together, which has really helped because we were friends before. So our relationship was already there! He is a huge believer in strength training, which fits with my plans perfectly. It is vital to strength train, especially since I plan on running!
Benefits of Strength Training
• Helps reduce the risk of injury.
• Prepares your muscles for faster running.
• Makes you stronger on hills.
• Enhances the rehabilitation of skeletal and muscular injuries.
Since injury is my #1 worry, I am hoping working with Chris helps! We meet twice a week at six in the morning for an hour! So far I am really enjoying myself! He is so supportive AND he doesn't let me quit. Bottom line, it works for me. I have always needed to be accountable to someone besides me. It keeps me in line.
Day in the life
5 years ago